As a student, you may be in great need of understanding difficult concepts, may be jumbled up with tough assignments, may be exams are around the corner or you are not prepared well. So helping in all these type of situation, there is a platform called, Course Hero, It is an online learning platform, where you can access millions of course specific study resources, which you need to complement your study, to get guidance on tough assignments, to understand the concept more thoroughly, and to get some mock tests or practical problems to prepare well for the exams.
The platform provides an opportunity to connect with tutors, educators or fellow students globally. You can get help on your homework or other academic requirements. Through this platform, education becomes more accessible, learning materials like study guides, test prep, homework help, flashcards, videos are more easily available. In short you are going to find all the learning material covering every subject of your class, from economics to literature, biology to history.
Plans offered by Course Hero: –
The platform offers mainly two subscription plans with money back guarantee or with option of pause or cancel anytime. So the first plan is Premier Plan: – Through this plan, you will get access to a wide range of study resources. You can access up to 30 documents per month, which includes study guides, notes and practical problems. You can get prompt explanations and answers to your questions, with the help of AI powered homework help.
You can also take help from expert tutors to get detailed solutions for complex problems in your textbooks. Now let’s talk about another subscription plan, which is a Hero Trio Plan: – This plan includes all the benefits of the Premier Plan, but it provides extra educational tools such as QuillBot Premium, which is helpful for assignments, give clarity, Symbolab, a tool for solving math problems step-by-step, this tool will helps you to understand and solve complex equations and problems.
Study Resources offered by Course Hero: –
It provides various study resources to help you with your work such as Study Material – You can find study material by your school name to help you to grow and learn. Textbook solutions and explanations – You can easily find your textbook solutions or step-by-step explanations given by educators, hints and videos are also provided to help you to learn and understand. Literature study guides – get in depth literary analysis with the help of study guides, infographics, and essays.
study guides – under this section you will get free educational courses to help you in your work for free of charges. Grammar checker tool – helps you to make your answers free from grammatical errors, it will automatically check your answers and will give you suggestions, paraphraser – rewrite your answers with the help of paraphrasing tool you can easily change your words of answer with suggestion given in paraphrased answer. Proofreader – fix common grammatical errors and choose the right word, fix typo and spelling error with this tool.
The platform is providing a great treasure of study materials, to understand the complex subjects and improve their performance in academics. With expert guidance and community engagement you can easily share your knowledge which leads to increase in critical thinking and problem solving skills. The platform is providing resources for different backgrounds but still you can receive the quality support. By using tools in your daily study routine you can maximize your potential and can achieve success.